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Combat Sim 2

Below is a simulated combat scenario for the Perilous Adventures Warbands Guide (PAWG) using the updated rules: 340 attribute points (max 80), 90 skill points (max 100), HP = (CON + STR) x 2, enhanced healing, and the percentile (d100) system with Margin of Success. This pits our warband—Torren, Lira, Eryn, Kael, and Veyra—against a rival adventuring party of five foes, designed as a very dangerous encounter to push the warband to their limits. The simulation balances accessibility for new players, showing turn structure and mechanics, with detailed stats, rolls, and outcomes for experienced gamers. It draws on combat rules and spells from previous pages, with dice rolls generated for this scenario. The fight unfolds over multiple rounds, with commentary to highlight key moments, maintaining brevity and focus.

Combat Setup

Warband Stats

  • Torren (Human Warrior): STR 70, DEX 50, CON 70, HP 280, Melee Weapons 100, Endurance 90, chainmail (10 DR), sword (15 damage), Titan’s Might (+20 Melee Weapons with sword, target 120 capped at 100).
  • Lira (Duskborn Rogue): DEX 90, CON 20, HP 100, Melee Weapons 60, Stealth 100, Acrobatics 90, leather (5 DR), Shadowsting dagger (10 damage), Night’s Embrace (+20 Stealth in dim light).
  • Eryn (Embermarked Scholar): INT 90, WIS 70, HP 200, Spellcasting 90, Mana 170, cloth (2 DR), staff (8 damage), Flameheart (+10 Mana, free Fire Bolt).
  • Kael (Human Mystic): WIS 80, INT 60, HP 180, Spellcasting 100, Mana 150, leather (5 DR), staff (8 damage), Soul Warden (+20 Spellcasting for healing/support, allies within 30 ft regain 10 HP once/scene).
  • Veyra (Windrunner Leader): DEX 90, CHA 80, HP 180, Ranged Weapons 100, Leadership 100, leather (5 DR), Windreaver bow (15 damage), Voice of Ages (+30 Leadership, allies reroll one failed check/scene).

Enemy Stats: Rival Adventuring Party (The Crimson Blades)

A seasoned, ruthless group mirroring the warband’s strengths—each foe is elite, with high skills and synergy.

  1. Drenvar (Human Brute):
  2. STR 80, DEX 40, CON 80, HP 320, Melee Weapons 100, Endurance 90, scale armor (12 DR), greatsword (25 damage), Berserker Rage (+20 Melee Weapons, +10 temp HP for 3 rounds, -20 defense).
  3. Tactics: Charges Torren, uses Rage to overpower.

  4. Sylith (Elf Sniper):

  5. DEX 90, CON 40, HP 160, Ranged Weapons 100, Perception 90, leather (5 DR), longbow (18 damage), Deadeye (+20 Ranged Weapons vs. stationary, 1-round aim).
  6. Tactics: Targets Eryn or Kael from range, aims when safe.

  7. Miraen (Human Spellblade):

  8. STR 50, DEX 60, CON 60, HP 220, Spellcasting 90, Mana 150, Melee Weapons 80, chainmail (10 DR), sword (15 damage), Elemental Affinity (+20 Spellcasting for fire, -5 Mana cost).
  9. Tactics: Mixes Fire Bolt and melee, targets Lira or Veyra.

  10. Korath (Dwarf Shieldbearer):

  11. STR 70, DEX 40, CON 90, HP 320, Melee Weapons 90, Endurance 100, plate (15 DR), warhammer (20 damage), shield (+8 DR), Shield Bearer (reduce damage by 10 on Endurance success).
  12. Tactics: Tanks hits, protects allies, aims for Torren or Kael.

  13. Lyssa (Human Tactician):

  14. DEX 60, CHA 90, CON 50, HP 200, Leadership 100, Persuasion 90, leather (5 DR), dagger (10 damage), Rallying Cry (allies +20 to next roll once/scene).
  15. Tactics: Boosts team, targets Veyra to disrupt leadership.


  • Dense forest clearing, dusk—dim light triggers Lira’s Night’s Embrace. Trees offer cover (15 ft Move to reach), 40 ft between parties, foes spread 10 ft apart.

Round 1

Initiative (DEX + Perception, lowest first)

  • Torren: 50 + 40 = 90, rolls 60
  • Lira: 90 + 80 = 170, rolls 20 (Night’s Embrace applies)
  • Eryn: 40 + 80 = 120, rolls 50
  • Kael: 50 + 80 = 130, rolls 70
  • Veyra: 90 + 50 = 140, rolls 30
  • Drenvar: 40 + 60 = 100, rolls 40
  • Sylith: 90 + 90 = 180, rolls 80
  • Miraen: 60 + 70 = 130, rolls 60
  • Korath: 40 + 70 = 110, rolls 50
  • Lyssa: 60 + 80 = 140, rolls 10
  • Order: Lyssa (10), Lira (20), Veyra (30), Drenvar (40), Eryn (50), Korath (50), Torren (60), Miraen (60), Kael (70), Sylith (80)


  • Move: Steps 15 ft to cover.
  • Standard: Rallying Cry (Leadership 100), rolls 40—allies gain +20 to next roll.
  • Result: Crimson Blades bolstered—warband braces.


  • Move: Sneaks 15 ft behind tree (Stealth 120 vs. Perception 90, rolls 30)—unseen.
  • Standard: Knife in the Dark on Miraen (Melee Weapons 60 + 20 = 80), rolls 20 (Margin 60). Damage: 20 (DEX/20) + 10 (dagger) + 60 = 90 x 2 = 180 - 10 = 170. Miraen HP 220 to 50.
  • Result: Lira’s dagger nearly fells Miraen—stealth strikes true.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft for range.
  • Standard: Shoots Sylith (Ranged Weapons 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 17 (DEX/20) + 15 (bow) + 60 = 92 - 5 = 87. Sylith HP 160 to 73.
  • Result: Veyra’s arrow wounds Sylith—sniper’s rattled.


  • Move: Charges 15 ft to Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks with Berserker Rage (Melee Weapons 100 + 20 = 120 capped 100), rolls 50 (Margin 70). Damage: 26 (STR/10) + 25 (greatsword) + 70 = 121 - 10 = 111. Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 40, Margin 50)—111 - 50 = 61, HP 280 to 219, temp HP 330.
  • Result: Drenvar’s fury slams Torren—he holds firm.


  • Move: Steps 15 ft to cover.
  • Standard: Casts Fire Bolt on Drenvar (Spellcasting 90, Difficulty 40, target 50), rolls 30 (Margin 20). Damage: 20 - 12 = 8, Mana 170 to 160. Drenvar HP 320 to 312 (temp HP 322 to 314).
  • Result: Fire singes Drenvar—DR softens the blow.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 90 + 20 = 110 capped 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 23 (STR/10) + 20 (warhammer) + 60 = 103 - 10 = 93. Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 60, Margin 30)—93 - 30 = 63, HP 219 to 156.
  • Result: Korath’s hammer pounds Torren—warband’s tank takes heat.


  • Move: Holds ground.
  • Standard: Attacks Drenvar (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 50 (Margin 50). Damage: 22 (STR/10) + 15 (sword) + 50 = 87 - 12 = 75. Drenvar HP 312 to 237 (temp HP 314 to 239).
  • Result: Torren strikes back—Drenvar’s still roaring.


  • Move: Limps 15 ft toward Lira.
  • Standard: Casts Fire Bolt (Spellcasting 90 + 20 = 110 capped 100, Difficulty 40 - 5 = 35, target 65), rolls 40 (Margin 25). Damage: 20 - 5 = 15, Mana 150 to 145. Lira HP 100 to 85.
  • Result: Miraen burns Lira—she’s exposed.


  • Move: Steps 15 ft to Torren.
  • Standard: Casts Healing Touch (Spellcasting 100 + 20 = 120 capped 100, Difficulty 50, target 50), rolls 30—40 HP to Torren (HP 156 to 196), Mana 150 to 135.
  • Result: Kael patches Torren—frontline holds.


  • Move: Retreats 15 ft to cover.
  • Standard: Aims at Eryn (Ranged Weapons 100 + 20 = 120 capped 100)—no shot yet.
  • Result: Sylith lines up a deadly strike.

Round 2

Initiative Order

  • Lyssa, Lira, Veyra, Drenvar, Eryn, Korath, Torren, Miraen, Kael, Sylith.


  • Move: Adjusts 15 ft for sight.
  • Standard: Attacks Veyra (Melee Weapons 70), rolls 40 (Margin 30). Damage: 15 (DEX/20) + 10 (dagger) + 30 = 55 - 5 = 50. Veyra reacts (Acrobatics 70, rolls 50, Margin 20)—50 - 20 = 30, HP 180 to 150.
  • Result: Lyssa’s dagger cuts Veyra—leadership’s shaken.


  • Move: Sneaks 15 ft to Miraen (Stealth 120 vs. Perception 70, rolls 20)—unseen.
  • Standard: Knife in the Dark (target 80), rolls 30 (Margin 50). Damage: 20 + 10 + 50 = 80 x 2 = 160 - 10 = 150. Miraen HP 50 to -100 (dead).
  • Result: Lira finishes Miraen—spellblade down.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Lyssa.
  • Standard: Shoots (Ranged Weapons 100), rolls 60 (Margin 40). Damage: 17 + 15 + 40 = 72 - 5 = 67. Lyssa HP 200 to 133.
  • Result: Veyra’s arrow wounds Lyssa—tactician falters.


  • Move: Stays on Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 120 capped 100), rolls 70 (Margin 30). Damage: 26 + 25 + 30 = 81 - 10 = 71, Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 40, Margin 50)—71 - 50 = 21, HP 196 to 175, temp HP 239 to 218.
  • Result: Drenvar’s rage presses Torren—still in the fray.


  • Move: Retreats 15 ft from Sylith.
  • Standard: Casts Frost Shard on Sylith (Spellcasting 90, Difficulty 45, target 45), rolls 20 (Margin 25). Damage: 15 - 5 = 10, Mana 160 to 148, Sylith HP 73 to 63, slowed.
  • Result: Eryn slows Sylith—sniper’s pinned.


  • Move: Advances 15 ft to Kael.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 110 capped 100), rolls 50 (Margin 50). Damage: 23 + 20 + 50 = 93 - 5 = 88. Kael reacts (Acrobatics 50, rolls 70, fails)—HP 180 to 92. Korath reacts (Endurance 100, rolls 40, Margin 60)—reduces incoming by 10 next hit.
  • Result: Korath hammers Kael—healer’s rocked.


  • Move: Stays on Drenvar.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 60 (Margin 40). Damage: 22 + 15 + 40 = 77 - 12 = 65. Drenvar HP 237 to 172 (temp HP 218 to 153).
  • Result: Torren keeps Drenvar bleeding.


  • Dead: No actions.


  • Move: Steps 15 ft back.
  • Standard: Casts Group Mending (Spellcasting 120 capped 100, Difficulty 70, target 30), rolls 20 (Margin 10)—20 HP to all in 20 ft: Torren 175 to 195, Lira 85 to 100 (full), Kael 92 to 112, Mana 135 to 110.
  • Result: Kael’s spell steadies the team—1-minute cast starts.


  • Move: Aims (slowed, half Movement)—no shot yet.
  • Result: Sylith’s still locked on Eryn.

Round 3

Initiative Order

  • Lyssa, Lira, Veyra, Drenvar, Eryn, Korath, Torren, Kael, Sylith.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Veyra.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 70), rolls 50 (Margin 20). Damage: 15 + 10 + 20 = 45 - 5 = 40. Veyra reacts (Acrobatics 70, rolls 60, Margin 10)—40 - 10 = 30, HP 150 to 120.
  • Result: Lyssa presses Veyra—leadership wanes.


  • Move: Sneaks 15 ft to Sylith (Stealth 120 vs. Perception 90, rolls 30)—unseen.
  • Standard: Knife in the Dark (target 80), rolls 20 (Margin 60). Damage: 20 + 10 + 60 = 90 x 2 = 180 - 5 = 175. Sylith HP 63 to -112 (dead).
  • Result: Lira’s dagger drops Sylith—sniper silenced.


  • Move: Retreats 15 ft from Lyssa.
  • Standard: Shoots Drenvar (Ranged Weapons 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 17 + 15 + 60 = 92 - 12 = 80. Drenvar HP 172 to 92 (temp HP 153 to 73).
  • Result: Veyra’s arrow cuts Drenvar’s rage.


  • Move: Stays on Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 60 (Margin 40). Damage: 26 + 25 + 40 = 91 - 10 = 81. Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 50, Margin 40)—81 - 40 = 41, HP 195 to 154, temp HP 73 to 32.
  • Result: Drenvar’s fury persists—Torren’s battered.


  • Move: Holds position.
  • Standard: Casts Stone Spike on Korath (Spellcasting 90, Difficulty 50, target 40), rolls 30 (Margin 10). Damage: 25 - 15 = 10, Mana 148 to 133. Korath HP 320 to 310.
  • Result: Eryn chips at Korath’s armor.


  • Move: Advances 15 ft to Kael.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 23 + 20 + 60 = 103 - 5 = 98. Kael reacts (Acrobatics 50, rolls 80, fails)—HP 112 to 14. Korath reacts (Endurance 100, rolls 30, Margin 70)—reduces next hit by 10.
  • Result: Korath nearly drops Kael—healer’s fading.


  • Move: Stays on Drenvar.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 70 (Margin 30). Damage: 22 + 15 + 30 = 67 - 12 = 55. Drenvar HP 92 to 37 (temp HP 32 gone, Rage ends next turn).
  • Result: Torren wears Drenvar down—brute’s faltering.


  • Move: Retreats 15 ft—Group Mending completes.
  • Standard: All in 20 ft heal 20 HP: Torren 154 to 174, Kael 14 to 34, Mana 110 to 85.
  • Result: Kael’s spell buys time—he’s on the brink.


  • Dead: No actions.

Round 4

Initiative Order

  • Lyssa, Lira, Veyra, Drenvar, Eryn, Korath, Torren, Kael.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Kael.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 70), rolls 30 (Margin 40). Damage: 15 + 10 + 40 = 65 - 5 = 60. Kael reacts (Acrobatics 50, rolls 90, fails)—HP 34 to -26 (down).
  • Result: Lyssa downs Kael—healer falls.


  • Move: Sneaks 15 ft to Korath (Stealth 120 vs. Perception 70, rolls 40)—unseen.
  • Standard: Knife in the Dark (target 80), rolls 20 (Margin 60). Damage: 20 + 10 + 60 = 90 x 2 = 180 - 15 = 165. Korath HP 310 to 145.
  • Result: Lira’s dagger slashes Korath—tank staggers.


  • Move: Adjusts 15 ft.
  • Standard: Shoots Lyssa (Ranged Weapons 100), rolls 50 (Margin 50). Damage: 17 + 15 + 50 = 82 - 5 = 77. Lyssa HP 133 to 56.
  • Result: Veyra’s arrow nearly drops Lyssa—tactician’s weak.


  • Move: Stays on Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 26 + 25 + 60 = 111 - 10 = 101. Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 60, Margin 30)—101 - 30 = 71, HP 174 to 103.
  • Result: Drenvar’s last rage hits hard—Torren’s on edge.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Kael.
  • Standard: Casts Healing Touch (Spellcasting 90, Difficulty 50, target 40), rolls 30—40 HP to Kael (HP -26 to 14), Mana 133 to 118.
  • Result: Eryn revives Kael—barely.


  • Move: Stays on Kael.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 60 (Margin 40). Damage: 23 + 20 + 40 = 83 - 5 = 78 - 10 (Shield Bearer) = 68. Kael reacts (Acrobatics 50, rolls 70, fails)—HP 14 to -54 (down again).
  • Result: Korath drops Kael once more—healer’s out.


  • Move: Stays on Drenvar.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 40 (Margin 60). Damage: 22 + 15 + 60 = 97 - 12 = 85. Drenvar HP 37 to -48 (dead).
  • Result: Torren fells Drenvar—brute’s silenced.

Round 5

Initiative Order

  • Lyssa, Lira, Veyra, Eryn, Korath, Torren (Kael down).


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Eryn.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 70), rolls 40 (Margin 30). Damage: 15 + 10 + 30 = 55 - 2 = 53. Eryn reacts (Acrobatics 40, rolls 60, fails)—HP 200 to 147.
  • Result: Lyssa cuts Eryn—caster’s pressed.


  • Move: Sneaks 15 ft to Korath (Stealth 120 vs. Perception 70, rolls 30)—unseen.
  • Standard: Knife in the Dark (target 80), rolls 50 (Margin 30). Damage: 20 + 10 + 30 = 60 x 2 = 120 - 15 = 105. Korath HP 145 to 40.
  • Result: Lira’s dagger weakens Korath—tank’s crumbling.


  • Move: Adjusts 15 ft.
  • Standard: Shoots Lyssa (Ranged Weapons 100), rolls 60 (Margin 40). Damage: 17 + 15 + 40 = 72 - 5 = 67. Lyssa HP 56 to -11 (dead).
  • Result: Veyra’s arrow ends Lyssa—tactician falls.


  • Move: Retreats 15 ft.
  • Standard: Casts Renewal Pulse (Spellcasting 90, Difficulty 50, target 40), rolls 30—30 HP +10 defense to all in 30 ft: Torren 103 to 133, Eryn 147 to 177, Kael -54 to -24 (still down), Mana 118 to 103.
  • Result: Eryn bolsters survivors—Kael needs more.


  • Move: Closes 15 ft to Torren.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 70 (Margin 30). Damage: 23 + 20 + 30 = 73 - 10 = 63 - 10 (Shield Bearer) = 53. Torren reacts (Endurance 90, rolls 40, Margin 50)—53 - 40 = 13, HP 133 to 120.
  • Result: Korath presses Torren—tank holds.


  • Move: Stays on Korath.
  • Standard: Attacks (Melee Weapons 100), rolls 50 (Margin 50). Damage: 22 + 15 + 50 = 87 - 15 = 72. Korath HP 40 to -32 (dead).
  • Result: Torren’s blade ends Korath—victory.

Combat End

  • Outcome: Crimson Blades defeated in five rounds—Drenvar, Sylith, Miraen, Lyssa, Korath all dead.
  • Warband Status:
  • Torren: HP 120/280—bloodied but standing.
  • Lira: HP 100/100—unscathed after healing.
  • Eryn: HP 177/200—wounded but steady, Mana 103/170.
  • Kael: HP -24/180—down, needs aid.
  • Veyra: HP 120/180—battered leader.


  • Round 1: Lyssa’s Rallying Cry (+20) boosted foes—Lira’s stealth kill (170) dropped Miraen early, Veyra’s bow (87) hurt Sylith, but Drenvar (61) and Korath (63) hit Torren hard—Kael’s heal (40) kept him up.
  • Round 2: Lira finished Miraen (150), Veyra weakened Lyssa (67), Drenvar (71) and Korath (88) pounded Torren and Kael—Kael’s Group Mending (20 HP) stabilized the team.
  • Round 3: Lyssa downed Kael (60), Lira killed Sylith (175), Veyra hit Drenvar (80), Torren dropped him (85)—Eryn revived Kael (40), but Korath struck again (68).
  • Round 4: Lyssa felled Kael again (60), Lira (105) and Veyra (67) took out Lyssa—Eryn’s Renewal Pulse (30 HP) kept Torren fighting, who ended Korath (72).
  • Mechanics: High Margins (50-170) and DR (10-15) made it brutal—Lira’s stealth and Kael’s heals countered foes’ synergy, but Kael’s fragility (-24) showed the stakes.

This was a razor-edge fight—five rounds of chaos tested the warband’s grit. Roll that d100, and heal up for the next clash!