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Combat Rules

In the Perilous Adventures Warbands Guide (PAWG), combat is where peril strikes hardest—a swift, brutal test of your warband’s grit against monsters, bandits, or worse. Whether you’re new to tabletop roleplaying or a battle-hardened veteran, these rules keep it simple yet fierce: every roll matters, every hit scars. We use the d100 system—roll two ten-sided dice (one for tens, one for units) and aim to get equal to or under your target—lower is better! With our core warband—Torren, Lira, Eryn, Kael, and Veyra—we’ll explain it step-by-step with examples and math. No full fights here—just the tools to swing your blade or cast your spell. Ready your nerve, and step into the clash!

Combat Basics

  • Rounds: Combat plays out in rounds—about 6 seconds long—where everyone gets one turn in initiative order.
  • Actions: Each turn, you take one Move Action (up to your Movement speed) and one Standard Action (attack, cast, etc.), plus one Reaction (dodge or brace, once per round).
  • Hit Points (HP): HP = (CON + STR) x 2—drop to 0, and you’re out (GM decides: unconscious, dying, or dead).

Newbie Tip: Move to strike smart, hit with your best, and use your Reaction to survive—stick together to win!

Starting Combat

  • Initiative: Roll d100 under DEX + Perception—lowest acts first (e.g., Veyra’s DEX 90 + Perception 70 = 160 target, rolls 30—beats Torren’s 100, rolls 60).
  • Surprise: If hidden (Stealth vs. Perception), act first—Lira’s Stealth 100 vs. Bandit’s 40, rolls 20 (Margin 60)—ambushes.

Actions in Combat

  • Move Action: Shift up to your speed (base 30 ft + DEX bonuses: +5 ft per 10 over 20)—Lira’s DEX 90 = 40 ft—rugged terrain halves it (e.g., 20 ft in mud).
  • Standard Action: Attack, cast a spell, use an item—your big play each turn.
  • Reaction: Once per round—roll DEX + Acrobatics (dodge) or CON + Endurance (brace) when hit—cuts damage by Margin (brace min 5 if successful).


  • Melee Attacks: Roll Melee Weapons under STR + skill (STR-based) or DEX + skill (finesse weapons: rapier, dagger, short spear)—adjust by Difficulty (e.g., cover +20).
  • Damage: STR/10 + weapon + Margin (STR-based) or DEX/20 + weapon + Margin (finesse)—Torren’s sword vs. Lira’s rapier.
  • Ranged Attacks: Roll Ranged Weapons under DEX + skill—damage = DEX/20 + weapon + Margin—Veyra’s bow.
  • Critical: Rolls 01-05 double damage—or GM effect—96-00 wastes your action.


  • Casting: Roll Spellcasting under WIS or INT + skill - Difficulty—success costs full Mana, failure half—Eryn’s Fire Bolt.
  • Damage/Effects: Fixed (e.g., 20 damage)—Margin boosts crits—Kael’s Healing Touch.

Attack Examples

  • Torren (STR-based): Melee Weapons 100 (STR 70), sword (15)—target 100 - 40 (Difficulty) = 60, rolls 30 (Margin 30)—damage = 22 (STR/10) + 15 + 30 = 67.
  • Lira (Finesse): Melee Weapons 60 (DEX 90), rapier (12)—target 90 - 40 = 50, rolls 20 (Margin 30)—damage = 20 (DEX/20) + 12 + 30 = 62—Knife in the Dark doubles = 124 vs. unaware.
  • Veyra (Ranged): Ranged Weapons 100 (DEX 90), shortbow (12)—target 100 - 40 = 60, rolls 20 (Margin 40)—damage = 20 (DEX/20) + 12 + 40 = 72.
  • Eryn (Spell): Spellcasting 90, Fire Bolt (Difficulty 40)—target 50, rolls 20—20 damage, Mana 170 to 160.
  • Kael (Spell): Spellcasting 100, Healing Touch (Difficulty 50)—target 50, rolls 30—40 HP healed, Mana 150 to 135.


  • Reaction: When hit, roll DEX + Acrobatics (dodge) or CON + Endurance (brace)—reduce damage by Margin (brace min 5)—then subtract armor DR.
  • Torren: Hit for 80—Endurance 90 rolls 40 (Margin 50)—80 - 50 - 10 (chainmail) = 20—HP 280 to 260.
  • Lira: Hit for 60—Acrobatics 80 rolls 30 (Margin 50)—60 - 50 - 5 (leather) = 5—HP 100 to 95.
  • Critical Defense: Rolls 01-05 might negate all damage (GM call)—Veyra’s dodge shines.


  • Fatigue: -10 rolls per level—5 levels = unconscious—Eryn overcasts, takes 1 Fatigue (-10).
  • Downed: HP 0—GM decides: unconscious (1 HP post-fight), dying (CON + Endurance Difficulty 60/hour to stabilize), or dead—Torren falls, Kael heals.
  • Environmental: Dim light (-20 attack/Perception), rugged terrain (half Movement)—Lira thrives, Torren slows.

For Experienced Players

  • Tactics: Finesse (Lira’s 62) vs. STR (Torren’s 67)—DEX trades power for precision—Veyra’s 72 ranged pins—Kael’s 40 HP heals clutch—warband synergy rules.
  • Math: High skill + low rolls = big Margins—Eryn’s 90 - 40 = 50, Margin 30—control fights—crit doubles 20 to 40.
  • Options: STR (Torren’s 67) vs. DEX finesse (Lira’s 124 crit)—choose your style—grit keeps it balanced (HP 100-280 vs. 80+ hits).

Math Examples

  • Torren: Target 60, rolls 20 (Margin 40)—22 + 15 + 40 = 77—STR power.
  • Lira: Target 50, rolls 10 (Margin 40)—20 + 12 + 40 = 72—finesse precision.
  • Kael: Overcast Healing Touch (15 Mana, 5 left)—Deficit 10 = 2 Fatigue (-20), target 50, rolls 20—40 HP, Mana to 0.